3 min read

September Trestle

September Trestle
The Morton Meadows Mural on the parking lot side of the Lodge building

From the East


It’s been a busy and exciting past month for Mizpah. We started August with our business meeting at the Nebraska Masonic Home. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and tour of the facility before our meeting, and we were joined by two brothers living at the home. What a wonderful evening!

Group photo of Mizpah Lodge visit to the Masonic Home in Plattsmouth

The following week, we held the annual Mizpah family picnic at the lodge. The turnout was incredible, and it was great seeing so many of you. I’m proud to have presented certificates to several brothers reaching milestones in the craft.

Thank you all for attending and making this a great event! Later in the month, several Mizpah brothers attended a Master Mason degree at Bluff City Lodge #71 in Council Bluffs. Congratulations to brother Vincent Johnson on being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and thank you to Bluff City Lodge for your hospitality!

Group photo from Bluff City Lodge raising

As you can see, there’s always something going on for Mizpah. Look for pictures of these events in this issue of the trestle, and consider joining us for future events.

This is YOUR lodge, and I want you to feel at home when you walk through the door. Please note also that the lodge is available for other events, such as birthday parties, anniversary parties or other small group events. Reach out to myself or Secretary Jeremiah Jones for more information. Coming up: We’ll be attending the Morton Meadows Boulevard Bash on Sept. 15 to mingle with our neighbors and spread the word about what Masonry is all about. We’ll also have our annual Halloween party in October – more information to come.


Patrick Smith

Worshipful Master

From the Secretary's Table

Brethren, Once again, dues season is right around the corner. If you have moved since the last dues season or if you have had trouble receiving lodge mail, please verify your address with me. You can email me or leave me a voicemail; either will work. This will help ensure that dues notices and dues cards reach each brother.

Brothers honored at the Mizpah Family Picnic and pictured are, from left: Terry Nelson (10 years), Chad Nelson (10 years), WB Gary Volentine (35 years), Dan Waldron (10 years), WB Patrick Smith (10 years), WB Darren Malott (15 years), WB Bill Stone (20 years) and WB Tyler Goodman (25 years).

To read the full September trestle, and the calendar for the lodge this month, use the link below.