1 min read

Change to Mizpah emails

Here's what you need to know
Change to Mizpah emails


Mizpah is beginning the process of transitioning our emails to a new system.

Why? This move will save the lodge about $15 a month while giving us a more modern and mobile-friendly tool for sending email.

But the goal is to make this a seamless transition.

For the next month or so, we'll send each email in our current and new email programs. New emails will come from an address titled "The Mizpah Bulletin." The email you're reading right now is from that new email system.

Now is a great time to check. Do you have two copies of this email – one from the new "Mizpah Bulletin? If not, please check your junk folder.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about this change.


Patrick Smith
Worshipful Master